With winter graciously welcoming us with its presence, our hair and scalp might be hesitant to be so inviting. We know how winter brings its uninvited guests, the dry cold weather, and dampens the mood. But don’t worry; we’re here to help you avoid unnecessary chit-chat so you can enjoy your fabulous holiday hairdos and maintain those luscious locks!
Why Split Ends?
Contrary to what this blog title says, there is no legitimate way to get rid of split ends other than cutting them off (sorry!). However, we’ve done some research and found out that there are ways to conceal split ends effortlessly until you’re ready to see your hairstylist for that semi-annual haircut.
So what causes those annoying split ends? Experts explain split ends are actually pieces of your hair that have become dry, brittle, and frayed. In other words, damaged beyond full repair. So what causes the ends of our hair to split? Extreme weather conditions and exposing your hair to high-heat styling tools such as curling irons, blow dryers, and straighteners. Treating your hair with chemical chair products can also cause split ends!
Photo by Cottonbro Studio
Let’s face it, if you style your hair, it’s inevitable that you’ll see that unraveled-rope-like texture at the ends of your hair. Although you can’t stop your hair’s natural process of getting split ends, there are many ways to mask it (pun intended).
Here are our favorite ways to conceal split ends at home!
Photo by Jasmin Chew
Deep Condition
They don’t call it that for anything! With ultra-rich essential vitamins and minerals, deep conditioning treatments work to help nourish dry, brittle hair, making it perfect for split ends. With various options out there, we highly recommend using leave-in treatments for maximum hydration.
Oil Ends
As you know, plenty of oils promise X, Y, and Z and hardly deliver. There is no magic elixir that restores or repairs split ends. They promise a hydrating solution to dry ends, which works at concealing split ends! We recommend using a natural lightweight oil such as argan or coconut and gently massaging into your split ends for instant hydration.
Hair-Repairing Soak
Similar to a deep conditioning, leave-in treatment, a hair-repairing soak works primarily on the hair ends and hair, leaving out the roots and scalp. We found a hair-loving soak from Byrdie. This hair soak requires about 40 minutes, so make sure you allot some much-needed self-care time when doing this. Here’s how to make the hair soak: combine two fish oil capsules along with one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of lavender oil in a saucepan. After heating on low for five minutes, pour into a large bowl and dip your ends into the bowl, working into your hair. (avoid your roots and scalp!) Wrap your hair in a towel or plastic wrap and soak it for 40 minutes before washing it out.
Limit Brushing and Cleansing
Did you know that hair is most vulnerable and brittle when it’s wet? We’re all guilty of this hair crime, but don’t worry; there’s still time to change your hair care routine. One of the ways you can help prevent split ends is by limiting your brushing and the times you wash your hair. Experts suggest washing your hair three to four times a week to ensure the even distribution of natural oils.
Hairstyle It
We get it if you’re on the fence about trimming your hair. We know some of you have been growing your hair out for weddings and parties, and what have you. There are subtle and masterful ways to hide split ends with easy and fun hairstyles. It’s time to pull out the velvet scrunchies and go rock a bun for a while. You might want to consider braids, hats, and even scarves. These are all great ways to look chic and hide dry, brittle ends!
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev
To trim or not to trim that is the question this season. With cute accessories this winter, rethinking that bob is understandable; just remember how to conceal your split ends. We hope you’ve found this information helpful.
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